• What is S2S?

    Source 2 Store is your 1 stop shop for everything Amazon FBA related. From finding products, to sending products, to account management and more, we can help in every step of your Amazon FBA companies journey.

  • How do I receive the dealsheets?

    These will be emailed to you every day before 5pm

  • How often do I receive the deals?

    You will receive the deals 5 days a week.

  • How many people are these deals on the dealsheet shared with?

    The deals will be shared with up to 10 others.

  • Whats the minimum ROI you provide?

    25% after VAT

  • Am I tied into a contract with dealsheet/ prep centre?

    You are free to end your subscription at any time. Provided notice is given before the next billing date for your subscription, you will not be charged for the next month

  • How long do you take to send my products once they arrive with you?

    If you have enough products to fill a box it will be sent within 48 hours of arriving with us

  • Do you offer NI returns shipping?

    Yes we do! Even if you do not want to use our Prep Centre FBA services we will ship your returns back to you in NI

  • Can I have an example of what your prep centre fees will cost?

    If you have 100 units and they all fit in 1 box, you will be charged £50 for the prepping of products and £2 for the cost of 1 box/ shipment.

  • Can I send pallets of goods?

    Of course! We have space for around 8 pallets at a time and we request everyone who sends us 1 to ensure they are ungated and there are no issue in sending it immediately, meaning we always have space

  • I'd like to work with Source 2 Store

    Please send us an email and we will get back to you